Case Study

Optimizing GPCR assays with chimeric G proteins


Cell-based assays represent an important step in  understanding the functional effects of GPCR  modulation. Having access to high quality cellular tools is critical in driving forward these studies,  providing reproducible data and clear insight when you need it most.  One of the major challenges faced when developing robust functional GPCR assays is defining the  optimal signalling components to ensure a reliable downstream assay and lead optimization. While some GPCRs signal amicably via endogenous host cell G proteins, other receptros benefit from  over-expression of a specific G protein to enable coupling and downstream signalling. Additionally, when developing assay systems for orphan receptors lack of information on the target’s signalling  mechanism can present a barrier to assay  development and receptor de-orphanization.

G Protein Characteristics Assay Readout
SB-Gqα15 Wild-type SB-Gqα15 Calcium/ IP1 assays
SB-Gq/s Gqα15 with c terminus optimized for Gs coupling Calcium/ IP1 assays
SB-Gq/i Gqα15 with c terminus optimized for Gi coupling Calcium/ IP1 assays
SB-Gq/i (short) Gqα15 with c terminus optimized for Gi coupling Calcium/ IP1 assays
SB-Gqα12 Gqα15 with c terminus optimized for Gα12 coupling Calcium/ IP1 assays
SB-Gqα13 Gqα15 with c terminus optimized for Gα13 coupling Calcium/ IP1 assays
SB-Gs Wild-type Gs cAMP signalling assays
SB-Gs/q Gs with c terminus optimized for Gq coupling cAMP signalling assays
SB-Gs/i Gs Gs with c terminus optimized for Gi coupling cAMP signalling assays
SB-Gs/α12 Gs with c terminus optimized for G α12 coupling cAMP signalling assays
SB-Gs/α13 Gs with c terminus optimized for G α13 coupling cAMP signalling assays

Optimizing G Protein Coupling

Using a comprehensive panel of G protein constructs SB Drug Discovery’s assay development team quickly iden­tifyies optimal G proteins partners for your GPCR target, delivering robust functional assays for downstream drug discovery screening.

Optimizing GPCR assays with chimeric G proteins
Optimizing GPCR assays with chimeric G proteins

Figure 1. G protein profiling. Identification of optimal G protein coupling partners for detection of robust functional GPCR responses. A range of G-proteins were co-transfected with taregt receptor to dentify optimal partner for downstream cAMP quantitation assay.

Convenient Assays Delivered

GPCRs signal via a variety of pathways which may or may not be amenable of high throughput assay formats. Using chimeric G proteins, SB Drug Discovery’s assay development team can design robust assay to drive GPCR signalling via pathways and endpoint readouts suited to your preferred screening platforms, resulting in reliable, high-quality data for your drug discovery campaigns.

Optimizing GPCR assays with chimeric G proteins
Optimizing GPCR assays with chimeric G proteins

Figure 2. Gi-coupled GPCR targets driven to signal via Gq pathway using chimeric G proteins to enable high-throughput screening using calcium mobilization assays.

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